I created this site to share with others information and resources to begin the 'Awakening' process.
There are many people who believe everything they're told without doing any research on their own.
With my own story of 'Awakening' started in the early years of my radio career.
I was working overnights at a top 40 radio station.
Part of my job was to pull news from the Associated Press for the local news reporter on the morning show.
At the time I was married to a military man and we where stationed on Ft. Story VA.
We lived on post when a news story came on TV about an explosion just down the road from us.
The news reporter was broadcasting from one of the gate entrances, because they are not allowed on post.
I went to investigate for myself.
It ended up being someone had mixed two different floor cleaners together which caused a reaction and these chemicals released a smoke. This in turn resulted in two people going to the hospital to have their eyes medially rinsed.
Knowing this and watching each news channel continue to push the 'explosion' narrative frustrated me.
The next morning it was still being pushed and even when I told the news reporter the news story was incorrect and explained what the real story was - 1st hand - I was told "It's on the AP and until I see otherwise by them, it's the story I will be reporting.
It was from that day forward I knew to not believe everything I heard on the news or read in the papers!'
This happened in the early 90's so you could say I've been awake prior to our now 'easy access' to the internet!
These things happen everyday!
I encourage you to share your story in the forum & use the links to continue or start your 'Awakening' today!